Friday, October 4, 2013

I Got Mail! and Five for Friday

We're nearing the end of our first quarter and I have no idea where the weeks
have gone!  August and September flew by in a blur!

I'm linking up with Doodle Bug's Teaching for another fun
 Five for Friday!

First up I have to show you the BEST.PRESENT.EVER 
that I got in the mail this week!
Last May I asked a lot of my teacher friends and blogging buddies for literature 
ideas while teaching westward expansion to my second graders.  
My team and I were really having a hard time finding books geared toward 
2nd grade reading and interest levels. just so happened that my very prolific
author and TPT buddy Rachel Lynette had just written a series and 
offered to send me a set once they were published!
Fast forward a few months...and I got a little package in the mail! 

I love the inscriptions!

These beautiful books that are just perfect for my class.  My head is already spinning
around everything I can do with them!  If you're not familiar with Rachel's  books
you can find many of them on Amazon HERE or stop by Minds in Bloom,
Rachel's fabulous blog!

Our quarterly benchmarks are just around the corner and we've been reviewing 
with these adorable math centers from Primary Punch

You can find these as part of a great big bundle of second grade goodness on Educents, too!

Here's why I love my parents....
Last year one of my amazing volunteers copied, laminated, cut
and organized all of my HM Word Work centers onto bright colored card stock!
This year, they're ready to go for my small groups and interventions!


Here's why I love my students....


Move over chocolate chip.... I may have found my new favorite cookie!
Pardon the keepin' it real pic, but these orange cranberry cookies 
are to die for!  It's so sad that my grocery store only carries them in October! 


Happy Friday, friends!  

Be sure to check out all the other Five for Friday posts by clicking below!


  1. Where oh where can I get some of these cookies:)

    Looks like you had quite a busy week! My benchmarks are coming up too. I was just talking with my team about how fast this year has gone! Feels like just yesterday that we started school.

    1. The first quarter is always a such a blur, isn't it? After those first few months, the second quarter feels like smooth sailing! I hope you have a wonderful fall break, Maribel!

  2. I would love these books on Westward Movement. I looked on Amazon and on Rachel's website but couldn't find them for sale. Did you get advanced copies? If they are available, do you know where I can purchase them?

