Saturday, November 1, 2014

Five For Friday: Haunted Morph Houses & Blood Cell Diagrams & Halle Heart Museum

Happy Saturday!  We survived Halloween!
Here's a little peek at my week and how I kept
 little hands busy and  minds off of candy!
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We've been learning about nocturnal animals
for a couple of weeks now and on Friday we made these 
haunted morph houses to analyze some of our vocabulary.

After modeling on our anchor chart I drew this student version and 
projected it so that I could record my students ideas.

We brainstormed a list of vocabulary words that we've been 
working with and I gave my students blank haunted houses so they 
could create their own.

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This week was a very busy one and  I was bound and 
determined to finish up some of our ongoing projects despite the 
anticipation of Halloween! We're just finishing up our study of body 
systems and on Monday we took a field trip to Halle Heart Museum. 
If you live in the Phoenix area this is a great place to visit.
Every year I am more amazed at the incredible design 
and engaging activities this museum provides. 
 It is so well done and my class LOVED every minute! 

Source:  Halle Children's Heart Museum

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I've been holding them off 
on doing our "blood lab" so I could save it for Friday.

In past years, after learning about the different cells found 
in our blood and the jobs that they do, we've made a model in a 
sandwich bag. We did this by placing marshmallows (white blood cells), 
red hots (red blood cells),and long grain rice (platelets) in some vegetable oil 
in a small sandwich sized Ziplock bag.  Well, last year we had a little mishap 
with one of the bags and my classroom carpet has never been the same!
This year I decided to turn it into a 3D-ish diagram instead!

We glued everything onto yellow paper to represent plasma 
then labeled the cells.  We previously made booklets where students
wrote about the job of each cell and part of our blood. 

I wrote this little poem for all of my teacher friends 
for some comic relief this week..ha!

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You can grab a copy for next year in my previous post {HERE}
While you're there you can take a peek at what we had 
planned for our Halloween math party that afternoon!

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We finished up our Stellaluna Book and Character Study too! 
I told you it's been a busy week!

My kiddos LOVED this unit!  I didn't grab a lot of pictures
 this time but you can see the whole shebang
from last year {HERE}

Well that's five for my Friday!  Be sure to head over to 
Doodlebug's Teaching to see all 
the other Five for Friday posts!

1 comment:

  1. I loved this post!! Thanks for sharing. I sure love your haunted morph house. The kids looked like they learned a lot! Way to keep teaching with such rigor through Halloween! You are one strong lady Linda! I'm going to be starting your Stellaluna pack next week. I was sick this week for a couple of days and MISSED Halloween with my kiddos :( . Thanks for sharing!

    The Write Stuff Teaching
