Friday, May 22, 2015

Ending the Year in a Life Cycle Garden

As the end of the year draws near, it's always such a pleasure
to have our families visit one last time to see all of their student's
hard work and learning. Our end of year open house gives me the
chance to chat with them and let parents know how proud I am of
their student and all they have accomplished this year.

Ending Our Year in a Life Cycle Garden

During our last quarter we spend a lot of time learning and
writing about life cycles.  At the end of the year it's all about frogs,
insects, and raising butterflies in our classrooom! Our parents
and students enjoyed last year's open house so much that we decided
to turn our hallway into a life cycle garden again!

Ending Our Year in a Life Cycle Garden
During our butterfly unit we did lots of hands-on learning labs
and compiled all of our learning and writing into these butterfly booklets.

 Butterfly life cycle foldable lapbook

 Butterfly life cycle foldable lapbook
Students wrote butterfly haiku poetry and illustrated them
with watercolors.  The challenge here was to describe these
beautiful insects without using the word "butterfly". 

Butterfly haiku poetry with plant life cycle foldable flower booklets bulletin board

We displayed them with our foldable flower booklets
made during our study of the life cycle of plants.

We had been learning about Vincent Van Gogh's 
sunflower paintings so several students decided
to make their booklets into sunflowers.

Life cycle of plants culminating project~ foldable sunflower booklets

You can see all of our plant activities in this post and

While learning about a frog's life cycle we added key facts
about each stage to our charts.  I like to make my own shapes
into a sticky note with removable glue sticks.

Writing about a frog's life cycle
We read lots of informational books about frogs and took notes.

 Writing about the stages of a frog's life cycle

We wrote about each stage of the frog's life cycle
inside these little lily pad mini-books, added some beads for 
the eggs and made this life cycle writing craft 
to display in our garden.

 Frog life cycle writing craft

Frog life cycle writing craft and bulletin board
I saved these cloud types writing and weather idioms from 
earlier in the year.

Cloud types and weather idioms

Weather idioms
My kids loved turning themselves into butterfly kids!
My kids are such hams and love it when they get
to use pictures of themselves!

 Free Butterfly Kids writing craft
We added fan folded tissue paper to our pictures and wrote 
about what we would do if we were beautiful butterflies!
 I love all of the unit vocabulary they included in their writing!

 Free Butterfly Kids writing craft

You can download a free copy of this craft 
{HERE} or by clicking on the pictures.

Free Butterfly Kids writing craft

Life cycle garden hallway display |
I'm always a little sad when it's time to take it all down
because I love it when our hallway is
filled to the brim with life, learning, and this much cuteness!
But on the other hand, taking everything down means
it's almost summer break!


  1. I love all your beautiful classroom displays! I especially love the butterfly kids. Very creative! Thank you for sharing.

    Elementary School Garden

  2. This is adorable! Is this First grade?

  3. Linda, Thank you for sharing these beautiful pictures. I am definitely using your Butterfly Writing Craft for our unit. :)
