Saturday, August 16, 2014

Beating The Bulletin Board Blues!

This teacher has some great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

I'm linking up with another Bright Ideas Blog Hop to 
bring you some time-saving tips to help you
beat those back to school bulletin board blues! 

When setting up my classroom I like to hang my boards first,
before moving any of the furniture. Use the empty
floor space to lay out your paper or fabric to help visualize 
where you want to place your boards on the wall.
Keep in mind the other things you'll be adding around
 the boards such as pocket charts and posters. 
You don't want to have to move them once they're up!

This teacher has some great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

                   Putting up bulletin boards at the beginning of the year 
can be a real workout!  Not to mention a little risky as you
teeter precariously on any available surface so you can
 hang that top trim! The most time consuming part for me 
is climbing up and down a zillion times to see if they're straight.
This little tip has saved me a TON of time!

This teacher has some great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

This year as I was using my handy dandy level necklace
my teammate wandered in and said, "I was hanging pictures
this weekend and I discovered I could put a level on my phone."
I never even thought of that!

This teacher has several great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

Most teachers know that fabric is a great alternative
to butcher paper.  It doesn't fade and is super easy
to store. I get most of mine at Wal-Mart or on 
clearance at Hobby Lobby or my local fabric store.

This teacher has several great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

Think ahead about holidays, themes and content 
you'll be displaying in your hallway.   
Layer your fabric or paper to save time when
changing them out. Simply remove the top layer and
replace the border. 

This teacher has several great ideas for saving time and making hanging those back to school bulletins boards SO much easier!

At the end of the year, store all of the parts and pieces
for boards you know you'll use again together.  Make yourself
a little board-in-a-bag so it's all there and ready to go.
I've even taken a quick picture a time or two to
 remind myself  how I had it set up.

 Often times our custodians aren't finished cleaning when we
report back.  We sometimes have to wait for the carpets
to be cleaned before we can set up furniture.
Keep your bulletin board supplies in an easy to reach place 
so you can use that time to get started on your walls.
When stuffing things into cupboards at the end of the year
I always pack my bulletin boards LAST 
so I can get to them FIRST!

I hope you've enjoyed these tips and found an idea or two you can use!
You can see Part 2 of this little series,
Making Your Bulletin Boards POP!
 by clicking on the image below.

This teacher has loads of great ideas for making your bulletin boards really stand out!

 Visit this blog post for fun and effective 
ways to spruce up your computer lab!

Some great decorating and management ideas for sprucing up your computer lab or technology classroom!

 For LOTS more ideas for decorating your boards 

 I'd love to have you join me on Facebook, and Instagram too! 
 Be sure to scroll through the links below for more Bright Ideas 
from 150 other teacher/bloggers!

Happy Back-To-School teacher friends!


  1. downloading the level app as I type! Great ideas!

  2. Get out of town, Linda Kamp! A leveling app you say? I am all over that. Thanks for these great tips that will help me with one of the teaching duties that I loathe the most.

    Mrs, Rios Teaches Second Grade

  3. Seriously! A leveling app??? How did I not know this? Thank you so much for sharing! ☮Monica
    The Schroeder Page

  4. downloaded it as soon as I read it. I hope i got the right one. Thanks Linda

  5. One other tip I do that people are like "oh" is I overlap the borders or staple the extra borders right up so you can't see them. I find my borders stay better organized when they are all together even when they are up on a board. Does that make sense?

    Jennifer from Simply Kinder

  6. I just joined the "downloaded the app immediately" club! Bulletin boards are not my favorite part of preparing the class, but I love when they're done! Thanks for the tips!

    Sally from Elementary Matters

  7. The title of your post caught my attention. I am bulletin board challenged. They are never straight. Thanks for sharing the app!

    Kathy Griffin's Teaching Strategies

  8. Awesome ideas!! Thanks for sharing! You've simplified my life!

  9. I didn't know about the leveling App. Have to get that. Thanks for all your great ideas.

    First Grade Schoolhouse

  10. Love these tips, Linda! And I'm just in love with your images in this post. (I realize this doesn't have much to do with your actual tips, but they are just SO thoughtfully done I had to say something.)

  11. Oh my goodness Linda.. you are amazing! These tips will save people a lot of time! I'm with Michael: I love your photos!

    :) Shelley
    The Write Stuff Teaching

  12. Between your post and your Pinterest board I just kept pinning and pinning, your tips are terrific!
    Fern Smith's Classroom Ideas!
    Fern Smith's Pinterest Boards!

  13. Love all of these tips! The level necklace is going to happen for me this year! Thanks for sharing.
    Burke's Special Kids
