Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Mayflower Morphology and a Thanksgiving Mish Mash

We've landed safely in Plymouth Colony so I thought I'd share 
some of what we've been up to.  I recently attended a PD on strategies for 
teaching academic vocabulary and one of my favorite take-aways 
(and a big hit with my second graders) is the Morph House.  
I've adapted it a bit to tie in with our Pilgrim unit so that we can analyze 
some of our unit vocabulary.

 During our Pilgrim unit we've talked a lot about what life was like for children in 
Plymouth Colony. Of course they wanted to know if pilgrim children had to go 
to school! 

I made these little quills for my kiddos to use and as we were hard at 
work  reviewing our math skills those little quills were flying! We've been using 
Mayflower Math centers to practice the skills we've learned thus far as well as 
some much needed practice with regrouping!

We made these Mayflower word problems booklets dealing with issues the
Pilgrims may have faced. Here's how our "fleet" turned out!

Later this week we'll be having a Mayflower taste test to sample
the types of food the Pilgrims ate during their voyage.  I found this 
recipe for hardtack on Pinterest.  I haven't tried it yet 
but I think that along with some beef jerkey
 and dried fruit it'll do the trick!

I almost forgot to mention our new friends!  Meet Constance common noun 
and Prudence proper noun!  They've been helping us learn about 
common and proper nouns.  I've shared all about it over at Owlways Be Inspired. 
Click on the pic to head over and download a little noun freebie while you're there!

Have a great week, friends!


  1. Linda-

    You always have the most creative and engaging activities. Your students are SO lucky!!!

    Granny Goes to School

  2. Your anchor chart is seriously cute. I am lacking in the drawing category- I could never do that! Love the lesson, too. I bet the kids LOVE the lesson!

    Caffeine and Lesson Plans

  3. So cute! I love everything you do! Love the quills!
