Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Shades of Fall and A Freebie!

Here in Arizona we only have two seasons:
hot and hotter and oh, how I miss Fall!  Each year
I practically clean out the dollar store adding 
to my collection of strands of fall leaves.
Sometimes you have to create 
your own seasons!

We've been working with synonyms and
identifying the different levels of intensity or shades
of meaning that words with similar
meanings can have.

My class sorted the synonyms then arranged
them in order of strongest meaning.

To apply the skill, I had everybody work in pairs
with a thesaurus to look up synonyms for
familiar words and write them in order of intensity
in their notebooks.  Next, they wrote them on paint chips
die cut into leaf shapes.

For some added practice, I made this page and added
it to our literacy centers.  

You can grab a copy {HERE}

We've spent the better part of October learning about 
nocturnal animals and reading lots of informational books 
about bats and owls. My favorite book to begin
learning about bats is Stellaluna.
Teaching with Stellaluna is a teacher's dream for
so many ELA standards!

Owl facts anchor chart with a focus on plurals vs. contractions.

Owl facts anchor chart with a focus on plurals vs. contractions.

Bats paired texts anchor chart comparing fiction and nonfiction books.

We researched and wrote our own informational books
about nocturnal animals.  This one is about Geckos
which are very common here in Arizona.

We also have over 28 different species of bats in Arizona!
I got thisincredible poster from the AZ
Dept. of Fish and Game and it's been
a really fun resource PLUS my kids think
it's about the coolest thing ever!

You can find this poster along with some great
classroom resources from the
Arizona Department of  Game and Fish   {HERE}

We've learned a lot about echolocation and wrote about how
bats use this adaptation to find food and fly in the dark.

Our hallway display is a big hit with our little 
Kinder friends across that hall!
Well that about wraps up October for us.
Plymouth Colony, here we come!


  1. I love your shades of meaning leaves! What a great idea! Thanks for the shades of meaning fall activity, too. My students can always use extra practice with this skill! Your bulletin board turned out great! :)

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Thanks, Kate! I'm so glad you found something you can use and I appreciate your kind words!
      Hope you're having a great week!

  2. So much fun in these pictures!! Thanks for the freebie! :)
    First Grade and Fabulous

    1. You're welcome, DeAnne! So glad you can use it and thanks so much for stopping by!

  3. Your bulletin board is ADORABLE!!! I live in Mesa, and am hoarding all the fall leaf garlands. #sorrynotsorry I usually do Shades of Spring activities, but may need to sneak in a mini Shades of Fall lesson soon. It's too cute not to! Did you make the smartboard lesson, or did you find it somewhere? I love it all so much! :)

    The Sharpened Pencil
