Sunday, August 19, 2012

Fun Target & Staples Finds

If you're like me, you've probably been to the Dollar Spot at Target more times than you care to admit!   I've  made several trips over the last few weeks looking for their little pocket charts.  I was hoping to find some purple ones to use for my Daily 5 rotation cards.  It took me 4 tries but I did it!  And look what else I found! Call me crazy, but I swear these were not there the first 3 times I looked!

These little cloth baskets are the perfect size for my literature circle chapter books. I decided to change my color scheme this year from black, red and white to turquopise, purple and lime green so these are perfect!  I love the little post it note packs and plan to use those during my guided reading groups.  One says, "Hello, my thought is..."  How perfect is that? 

 I almost started squealing when I saw these Thing 1 and Thing 2 whiteboards! I've collected Dr. Seuss for years....way before the movie came out and you could find books and characters at Kohl's!  I'm talking about back when you had to search high and low and then bid for it on eBay!  I also found these number flash cards which are perfect for math games!  And so easy!  Students can turn over cards to make 2 or 3-digit numbers then, compare, order, add, subtract you name it! 

 I also found these little beauties!  I think I'll use them in my word work center and students can alphabetize their spelling words, and play "Cover, Spell and Check".  Students can look at their word,  spell the word correctly to a partner, then check it off .  I don't know about yours, but my kiddos LOVE to put a check mark in a box!  Oh, and as an added extra bonus, the little dry erasers on the end of the markers actually do erase! 

Have you seen these at Staples? 

I love how Martha can take the most basic,
mundane office supplies....and turn them into all kinds of cute!

As I was walking out of Staples.... I had to make a mad dash for the car and race home like a crazy person before this caught up to me!

 It's a gigantic dust storm!  We get these from time to time in the Phoenix area but
 I've never seen one quite this big!  It's like a tsunami of dust!  I grew up in the duck and cover era and was raised in Ohio with tornados, but who knew I'd be ducking and covering  from dust!  Luckily, I made it home safe and sound with all of my new treasures!


  1. Oh wow!! I've never heard of a dust storm before... that looks intense! Thanks for sharing pictures of all your finds!

    EduKate and Inspire

    1. Hi Kate! Isn't that incredible? thanks for stopping by!

  2. Love your new supplies. And Holy Guacamole! As we say in the south-I think I would faint, fart, and fall out if I saw that thing! ; )


    I Teach. What's Your Super Power?

    1. I love that saying, Megan! It was pretty scary to say the least! We had three in a month this year!
      Thanks so much for visiting my blog!
      Have a great new school year!
