Thursday, July 12, 2012

Finally Finished! Houghton Mifflin Supplementals & a Freebie!

This is for all of my very patient second grade Houghton Mifflin friends!  Six new HM packets!  All 6 themes for Word Work and Vocabulary Reader Activities are finished and posted to my TpT and TN stores. Woo-Hoo!!  I started both sets while teaching with theme 4 and added 5 and 6 as I got to them. I had so many requests and emails asking if I would be making themes 1-3. Thank you so much for your patience and the answer is yes! 

Word Work Activities
These activities make a great addition to your learning centers,
work stations, or small group instruction.   Included for each story
is a syllabication, word sort, and alphabetizing activity.  Each
activity is leveled and contains 2 sets of tiered word cards,
a sort and glue work mat page, and 2 tiered alphabetizing pages.   
Tier 1 cards are one and two-syllable words, while tier 2 cards
are two, three, and four syllable words.  Students identify the
target phonics pattern by highlighting the pattern in the
words (what child doesn't LOVE a highlighter!), use a pencil
to divide the words into syllables, then cut, sort and glue the
words to their corresponding sorting mat.   Students then
alphabetize their words on a separate recording sheet.  I copy the
alphabetizing sheet and the sorting mat 2-sided on the same
page to save paper. Directions, extension activities, and answer
keys are included.  

Click on the picture to find all the themes.

I use the word work activities and the vocabulary reader pages 
in my weekly literacy centers. I also copied each theme onto colored card stock
to use with my small groups.

What to do with all of those little word cards if students aren't
finished when it's time to clean up? Here's a fun little procedure
my kiddos came up with:  We call it "borrow-a-bag"!  I keep a
little basket from Dollar Tree filled with snack-sized
zip lock bags on a shelf  next to our center folders.  I thought
I had a little picture of it but I think the heat is getting to my
brain and I can't remember where I saved it!
Students "borrow a bag" to store their word cards
in and place it in their folder until the next day.  Once they
complete their work they return the bag to the basket for
someone else to use. My kiddos actually came up with that
on their own! I swear, when it comes to my kids and procedures...
If you name it they will use it!  And like it!

(At the end of this post is a little *freebie* to label your own
"Borrow-A-Bag" basket!)

Vocabulary Reader Activity Pages

I use these activities with the Houghton Mifflin vocabulary readers in my weekly literacy centers. We know that students need to be exposed to new vocabulary multiple times in a variety of ways before they retain it and that students are more likely to retain words taught in context than in isolation.  During literacy centers students use the vocabulary readers to read to self or to their partner and complete the corresponding activity pages.  In combination with the readers, these activities give my kiddos an additional opportunity to use the new vocabulary and apply it in writing by matching, describing, comparing, giving their opinion, finding details, or classifying.

Click on the picture to find each theme: 


As promised here's a little freebie!
Click the picture for your own  "Borrow-A-Bag" basket label!

To save a document from Google Docs simply click "file"
(under the document's name then "download". You'll then
be able to save it.

I hope your kiddos enjoy these as much as mine do and 
they save you some precious planning time!


  1. I love your borrow a bag idea!! That definitely gives me some ideas for my classroom. Thanks!
    Learning Is Something to Treasure

  2. I love the "Borrow a Bag" idea. This is something I would have used in my classroom and will use in my resource room. Thanks!

    Reading Toward the Stars

  3. Love the Borrow a Bag Idea! I'm passing the Liebster Blog Award to your super cute blog!!! Stop by to check it out :)
    Totally Terrific in Texas

  4. I really like your Borrow a Bag idea. I just nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award so stop by my blog to receive it!

    Susie's Seconds

  5. I love your blog, and also nominated you for the Versatile Blogger award! I had not seen Susannah's comment before selecting you. Hope you're okay with two nominations!

    Learning in the Little Apple

  6. OMG~ Totally loving the HM activities. The Borrow a Bag idea is awesome.

  7. I'm a new follower. Join me over at my blog.

  8. So excited to find another HM user! However, I don't think we have the vocab. readers to accompany our books. Are the words the same as the ones in the main selection? (I tried to look at the example for Theme 1, but obviously have not memorized the words yet!)

    Much thanks!

    tokyoshoes (at) hotmail (dot) com

  9. Hi Suzy! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! Yay! another HM user! Yes, the words are the story vocabulary words from the main selections. You really would need the vocabulary readers to be able to use the activities though.

    You could definitely use the Second Grade Word Work activities. The word lists are aligned with the target phonics/spelling pattern for each of the main selections.

    Enjoy the rest of your summer and hope you stop by and visit again soon!

  10. Wow! This is great! Plan on trying Daily 5 when we return in 2 weeks, just started blogging! So glad to find someone using HM. We are in Program Improvement (test scores are down so you must use the adopted materials to the letter-THAT's what makes good test scores, you know! Ugh!) and your materials will fit with both. Love it!

    1. Hi Tracy! Thanks for visiting! I'm starting Daily 5 this year, too! I am planning to incorporate these activities into it. Best of luck with your test scores, it is so stressful for kids and teachers. My team is struggling with how to use our adopted(HM)program with Common Core. If you have any ideas I would LOVE to hear them!

      Have a great school year!

  11. Wow!!!! I am so thankful for your work on this!!!
    Thank you!


  12. Hello! I was browsing through Pinterest and came across your blog. So happy that you are a fellow HM user! I saw your comment above that you were starting Daily 5 and that your team was having a difficult time alinging HM with common core. My team was also in the same situation. That is what made me create my own resources for each theme to align our HM to common core with Daily 5 and thinking maps activities. I would love for you to check it out and see if it would be helpful to you and your team. You can look me up on TPT under the seller Angela Linzay or check out my recent blog on Hopefully you can use this resource. Plus, it's all on sale today at 28% off!! :)

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.
