Sunday, October 28, 2012

Frosty Has Left the Building!

I think I mentioned before that my sweet friend Michelle at The 3am Teacher has organized a world tour for her little friend Frosty!  Classrooms across the USA and Europe will get to spend some time with Frosty and show him around their school! Each classroom will document in whatever form they choose, their time with Frosty and then send him on his way for a new adventure in another classroom!  We were his very first stop and my kiddos were very excited when he arrived!  They had a blast showing him around.  He "tailed" (ha ha) us for most of the week as we created a "dog-umentary" of his adventures in Arizona!

Graphics by The 3am Teacher

My kids were really sad when we had to send him on his way.  I felt like every parent feels when their child sees a puppy and asks, "Can't we keep him, Mom?"

You can read all about Frosty's travels as he takes on the globe, right HERE on his very own blog!

1 comment:

  1. I am your newest follower, you have an adorable blog! I am a new 2nd grade blogger, so it's nice to meet a fellow 2nd grade teacher/blogger!
    Amy Howbert

    Little Miss Organized
