Sunday, May 25, 2014

Ending Our Year In A Life Cycle Garden

Oh, sweet summertime! Friday was my last day at school
and before I forget I wanted to share some of the fun things 
did for our end of year open house.  
Every year I take all kinds of pictures of this wonderful event 
but by the time I finish purging and packing up my
classroom I'm too worn out to post them!
I know you can relate!

This year for our celebration of learning we
decided to turn our hallway into a life cycle garden! Our last 
quarter is all about life cycles and insects.  We studied the 
life cycles of  frogs, ants, bees and of course butterflies!

We  incorporated a lot of writing...

This one made me giggle...

"If I was a butterfly......I would fly on to my sister's door and listen to my sister 
on the phone." Ha!

This one made my teacher heart happy! I love it when kiddos use the 
vocabulary they've learned in their writing!

We made these little caterpillars to illustrate the stages of a 
butterfly's life cycle.

My teammate made this butterfly writing craft with her class. 

These were a HUGE hit!  We turned ourselves into butterflies 
to go with our writing.  My kids LOVE it when they get to
use pictures of themselves!  

I took pictures of each of my kiddos then had them cut them out.
I gave each student about a 6" by 8" piece of tissue
paper to fan fold, then we stapled them to the back of
the photo. So simple, easy and FUN!

My awesome teammate made this honeycomb with her class to
showcase their writing about bees.  We've been
working with our students on learning to take notes while reading nonfiction 
as well as watching video clips. BrainPop Jr. and Discovery Streaming are 
perfect for this and we're lucky to have both!  

What's a garden without sunshine?  We made these arrays of sunshine 
from my friend Amanda Madden's FAB-U-LOUS blog Teaching Maddeness

We also made butterfly life cycle booklets to showcase all of our learning. 
I've wanted to pull our butterfly activities together into a unit for my TPT Shop
for a while now.  I'd love to make a companion to my Plant Life Cycle unit and
I've been tweaking this one for two years.  I just can't quite get it to be the way I want it yet!

These are some of the things we did while learning about the frog life cycle.  

I posted a few weeks ago about these little guys. You can see that post HERE.

I love it when our families come to visit.  It's so much fun to see them enjoying all of 
things their child is learning about!

Well, I'm over and out! I hope you all have some rest, relaxation and most of all, 
some fun planned for the summer!  


  1. Those butterflies are too cute! Stealing the idea for the future. :)

    1. Yes, please! Your kiddos will love it! Mine get such a kick out of using pictures of themselves in our projects!

  2. Your hallway looks wonderful! The families must have been impressed.

  3. Seriously Linda - those butterflies are brilliant...I love the hand antennas! All the life cycles are cute as well. Love it all my friend.
    Teaching and Much Moore

  4. This is all so beautiful! Look at all that awesome learning! I am going to attempt to make that honeycomb for our classroom door for open house! So many neat ideas! Thanks for sharing :)
    Tales of a Teacher

  5. I love the honey comb you made. We are learning about bees can you tell me how you made those, or do you have a template you'd be willing to share?
