Monday, May 19, 2014


It's been a bit since I last posted with all of the end of year 
craziness I'm trying to stay ahead of!  Before I show you 
what we've been up to (besides a multitude of assessments, 
a field trip, our end of year open house, hit or miss 
specials/prep time, report cards,
  IEP and MET meetings, team meetings and after school 
PD's...yikes!) I just wanted to say that

I swooned when I saw her Hashtag Fluency For Digital Natives unit 
but thought maybe my second graders wouldn't "get it".  
Oh boy, was I wrong! Ha!  
When I asked who knew what a hashtag was every 
little hand started waving frantically! I guess that was a pretty 
silly question! I forget how savvy they are sometimes!

 I broke out these little ipads to all kinds of ooohs and ahhhhs! 
As I explained all of the fun things they were going to get 
to do with these my kiddos were practically
drooling! I added all of Jen's brilliant little ways to 
practice fluency to our literacy centers for the week and 
my class FUH-LIPPED!
Honestly, they were in hashtag heaven!

Partners used these timers and took turns to see how many phrases 
they could read before the sand was gone.  They graphed their 
progress each time they played.

Students also sorted "hashcards" (as one of my kiddos 
named them..Ha!)  into piles of YES or NO depending on 
if they could read them correctly. 

My students take home weekly fluency passages so they're 
very familiar with how this works. I used these for partner reading.  
One partner read the phrases while the other followed along 
marking any errors then counting the number read correctly.  
I placed the lists in page protectors and had kids 
use dry erase markers. After both partners had a turn, 
they choral readall of the phrases.

This next game was another HUGE hit! Not only did my kids 
get the biggest kick out of what the hashtags said 
but they LOVE using spinners and highlighters!

Let me back up a minute and tell you that before introducing 
my classto all of this awesomeness I was a tad worried that I would 
undo all of my hard work in getting them to use capitals 
and punctuation each. and. every. time. they wrote a sentence.  
So before I even showed them all of the fun things
we were about to do I showed them this.....

I projected this on my SMARTBoard and made my kids
pinky promise that they would ALWAYS remember these rules!
Feel free to grab this image and use it with Jen's unit.  
(Google Docs is giving me fits so I can't share it as a download 
but you can copy and paste it into a Word doc or Power Point slide 
and print or project it from there.)

My class will be working on a super fun memory book next week
that is a real keeper!  I wanted a memory book of my own 
to keep so I thought it would be fun to make 
a {hashtag}memory book!
I used Powerpoint and shapes to make the little ipads 
then cut and pasted  my favorite pictures.

Well, my kids were already in bliss over all of this 
and then I told them about ourhashtag hop.  Oh. my. gosh!  
They laughed and giggled and thought it was
the greatest thing ever! So we had ourselves a hashtag hop 
and went to town hashtagging all of the fun things 
we did this year!  

I printed out the pages and set them out on all of the desks.
I made sure I had a page for each desk and that each student
appeared 2 or 3 times total. We moved all of the chairs
then students hopped and hashtagged all 
of the pictures.  

 I LOVE how positive and encouraging they are toward each other.  
They had a blast looking back at all of our pictures and remembering 
the fun we've had this year!  

I know we're all swamped right about now, but hang in there 
and have some fun with your kiddos!


  1. Linda! WoW!!!! What a beautiful post! That must have taken you hours! I feel like I owe you SOMETHING! I could not have asked for a better advertisement for my Hashtag Fluency product than this...#YOUarethegenius! Love it!!! Jen

    1. Oh my gosh, Jen you don't! Your fluency activities are fantastic and so stinkin' creative! My class loved every minute of it and they were so perfect for those last weeks of school. Thank YOU for making them!

  2. What a fun idea! The kids totally surprise us with how much they know about technology huh? I swear they know more than me:)
    I'm loving these memory books that you made! The kids will treasure them forever!

    1. It's so true! I can't tell you how many times my kids have figured out our technology when I couldn't! Ha!

  3. But really, Linda?!?! I LOVE everything you do in your classroom! Next year, I'm not writing lesson plans. I'm just going to have a post-it that says "see Linda's blog" :) #lindakamprawwks #canibeinyourclass

    Teaching Maddeness

    1. Aw, thanks Amanda! But I'm telling you, this little fluency gem is to die for!

  4. #awesomesauce Jen sent me over here and said I had to see what you'd done!! Amazing as always!

  5. Really?! Wow!! #amazing #yourock #loveeverythingyoudo ;)

  6. What a great post! It's so fun to see something cool to the kids be turned into such a great learning opportunity! By the way, where did you get those awesome timers?

    1. Hi Christie! I found the timers in the dollar section at Target a few years ago.

  7. Adorable! How have I missed this until now?
